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Author: Kathy Rapp

4 Holiday Organizing Hacks

While there is much magic about the holiday season, there is also an underlying sense of chaos when it comes to keeping yourself organized.  But, if you can get into a rhythm each holiday season, getting and staying organized is not as hard as it...

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Spring Cleaning = Start Small

With the arrival of Spring comes one of my favorite times of year, Spring Cleaning! Most of you may not recognize this annual holiday of happiness like I do, likely because you weren’t born with organizing DNA. For those who may feel Spring...

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A Bidet is an Essential Part of Home Décor

I recently broke my right arm. Again. I also broke my hand, severely sprained my right foot and have bruised ribs. This has led to many a-ha moments. One of which involves a bidet, which should be no surprise as I am right arm dominant. While you...

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5 Tips for Organizing Success in 2023

This time of year, New Year’s resolutions become a topic of discussion. Rather than another post on unrealistic dreams you probably will never achieve, I’d like you to think about organizing! What will it take to finally get organized this...

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4 Elements of Styling a Home for the Holidays

I can hear you screaming, “holidays,” it’s not even September yet! Hear me out. There are certain parts of the year where it’s natural to begin to prepare for other times of the year. Now is the time to think about what you’ll be doing for the...

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5 Decluttering Tips for Organizing Success

Does the topic of spring-cleaning stress you out so much that you do nothing? Or do you start and stop decluttering projects thereby never seeing one to completion? Regardless of the category you may fall into, decluttering a drawer, room or an...

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The Rapp Rapport – Organizing Tips & Tricks

Be it the excess that hit your home over the holidays, resolutions, or pre-spring cleaning, the new year brings a rush of organizing projects.  Whether you intend to DIY or hire a professional, there are valuable organizing tips and tricks to keep...

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5 Home Décor & Design Trends for 2022

As we head into a second year of more time spent in our homes, décor and interior design are more important than ever. I’m going to focus on five home décor and design trends that create value and impact. They include nature, dedicated activity...

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The Rapp Rapport – 1st Edition

The process of building rapport is all about communication. In a new series, I’ll lift the covers of my life in order to give readers a sense of what it’s like to work, laugh and experience design, decorating and the thrill of an organized pantry...

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