What is Everyone Organizing?
Some people theorize that in the midst of craziness, we crave order; hence the organizing trend. Others believe we’ve been prisoners in our homes for so long that it’s only natural we start to find an outlet for creative energy. Whatever the cause, people seem to be nuts about organizing right now. So what is everyone organizing?
Closet organization makes so much sense, especially now. People are purging items they no longer need for work: ties, suits, dress shoes, button-down shirts…and basically anything that needs ironing. Removing these items leads to redoing the space where they used to live, which leads to “why don’t I just do the whole closet?!” In rethinking the closet, strive for functionality as well as beauty. You want to feel at peace when opening the door or walking into the space, so at the very least, get matching hangers! In addition, a closet should be tidy, accessible, able to quickly transition seasons and contain beautiful baskets for storage. And don’t forget about kids and guest room closets…
The pantry is another area that requires organization – and aesthetically pleasing views. It is one of the nerve centers of your home; literally everyone uses it. Creating a space that is functional while improving efficiency is the value created by organizing your pantry. Everything has a place, so when your Cheetos stash or sugar canister is empty, you’ll be able to visualize it. Ideally, organization leads to one grocery store trip/order a week, unless you went nuts and ate all your Cheetos in one late night binge…purely just an example.
People are organizing their guest rooms. The once vacant room that got dusted once a quarter has seen a lot more action. Whether it’s serving double duty as your kid’s school room, an office, a gym or a playroom, the guest room is in need of organization because there’s just more stuff. I’ve had client’s want help with just a wall; the “Zoom” wall that needs the bookshelves organized or a new look. Others want to add storage so school or gym equipment can be out of sight whenever guests do arrive. Built-ins under the windows or a mini-fridge in the closet add space and function to the new multi-purpose room.
Everyone is organizing their lives by organizing their homes. It’s not complex. Knowing where everything is while creating a vibe or beautiful aesthetic is ultimately taking care of yourself and your loved ones. So get organizing and improve the quality of time you spend in your home. And while you’re at it, make sure your pantry has space for multiple bags of Cheetos!