4 Ways to Freshen Up Tired Spaces
You know the feeling. The way a new outfit brightens your day. A blowout before a date. The first night sleeping on newly washed sheets. You are refreshed, excited and can take on anything! The same type of euphoria is experienced when you purchase new décor or an organization product as it helps freshen up tired spaces.
But with time, those feelings about your home can fade into your daily existence. You’re no longer excited when you walk into your family room. Yes, it’s “comfortable”, but you don’t get the brand-new sensation.
Returning to the initial excitement of a sofa purchase or perfectly organized closet doesn’t mean a big outlay of cash. Often, it just requires a new perspective about your existing décor or a renewed focus on organizational habits gone wild to freshen up tired spaces.
As an interior decorator and professional organizer, I’m the fresh eyes for clients who need a tweak here and there to return to loving their homes. Some of the things I do to help reimagine tired spaces and regain organization are as simple as repurposing an item; other changes require a bit of a shift in perspective, but all are doable.
One of my favorite tricks to spruce up a room is to simply move the furniture. I firmly believe furniture should not begin and end in the same spot. If nothing else, it’s bad for your flooring! Move a desk by a window, put family room chairs in your master bedroom or try a picnic table in a game room. Whether you simply move your bed to a different place or swap rooms with functional pieces, a different placement will work wonders.
Walk into a room and take note of the first thing you are drawn to – a pillow, a piece of furniture, artwork or a décor item. Then “buy it” for another spot. Different pillows on a bed may change the color palate of the room. That’s when you go shopping for other items in your home to draw out the new look.
Shelves of any sort are a great place to start this game. Bookshelves and built-ins can collect more than they’re meant to hold. Take everything out and subtract at least a third of what you see. Relocate those removed items, or even better, put them in a box and tuck them away for six months. If you haven’t missed them at the end of that time, donate the box.
An organization myth I like to bust is the value of a “drop space” – you know, the place where everything lands when you walk in your house. The problem with this kind of space, whether it’s a basket or a fancy mud room, is rarely do things actually leave the drop area! Instead, they accumulate and multiply like quarantined bunnies. Teach yourself and your family the process of “put first things first” when everyone comes in. Put shoes up, open/sort/discard mail and put keys in container in utility drawer. No more baby rabbits.
The next time you sense your home is becoming dated or a hot mess of stuff, get some sleep, or think about bringing in fresh eyes to help you renew a worn out space.